Source code for mantlebio.client

from mantlebio.core.analysis.client import AnalysisClient
from mantlebio.core.dataset.client import DatasetClient
from mantlebio.core.pipeline.client import PipelineClient
from mantlebio.core.pipeline_run.client import PipelineRunClient
from mantlebio.core.session.mantle_session import MantleSession
from mantlebio.core.auth.creds import AuthMethod
from import StorageClient
from .helpers.decorators import deprecated
from typing import Optional, Dict

[docs] class MantleClient: """ Client to interact with MantleBio. """ def __init__(self, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None, env: str = "PROD", credentials: Optional[AuthMethod] = None): """ Initalize MantleClient class object. Args: tenant_id (optional, str): Tenant ID env (optional, str): Environment """ self.session = MantleSession() self.session.authenticate(tenant_id, env, creds=credentials) self._storage = StorageClient(self.session) self._dataset = DatasetClient(self.session, self._storage) self._analysis = AnalysisClient( self.session, self._storage, self._dataset) self._pipeline_run = PipelineRunClient( self.session, self._storage, self._dataset) self._pipeline = PipelineClient(self.session) pass @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset instead.") def entity(self) -> DatasetClient: """ A property that provides access to the dataset object. Returns: object: The dataset object associated with the instance, typically providing access to dataset-related functionalities or data. Note: This property encapsulates the internal _dataset attribute, ensuring controlled access and potential for additional logic in future updates. """ return self._dataset @property def dataset(self) -> DatasetClient: """ A property that provides access to the dataset object. Returns: object: The dataset object associated with the instance, typically providing access to dataset-related functionalities or data. Note: This property encapsulates the internal _dataset attribute, ensuring controlled access and potential for additional logic in future updates. """ return self._dataset @property def analysis(self) -> AnalysisClient: """ A property that provides access to the analysis object. Returns: object: The analysis object used for performing or managing various analysis tasks. """ return self._analysis @property def pipeline(self) -> PipelineClient: """ A property that provides access to the pipeline object. Returns: : The pipeline object associated with the , used for handling or managing processing pipelines. """ return self._pipeline @property def pipeline_run(self) -> PipelineRunClient: """ A property that provides access to the pipeline run object. Returns: object: The pipeline run object associated with the instance, used for managing or monitoring pipeline runs. """ return self._pipeline_run @property def storage(self): """ A property that provides access to the storage client. Returns: object: The storage client object for this instance, generally used for interacting with storage services (like databases or cloud storage). """ return self._storage @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset instead.") def entity_client(self): """ A deprecated property that provides access to the entity object. Returns: object: The entity object associated with the instance. This property is deprecated and should be replaced by the 'entity' property. Deprecated: Since version 2.0.0. It is recommended to use the 'entity' property instead of 'entity_client' for future implementations. """ return self._dataset @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use analysis instead.") def analysis_client(self): """ A deprecated property that provides access to the analysis object. Returns: object: The analysis object associated with the instance. This property is deprecated and should be replaced by the 'analysis' property. Deprecated: Since version 2.0.0. Use the 'analysis' property instead of 'analysis_client' for future code developments. """ return self._analysis @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use pipeline instead.") def pipeline_client(self): """ A deprecated property that provides access to the pipeline object. Returns: object: The pipeline object associated with the instance. This property is deprecated and should be replaced by the 'pipeline' property. Deprecated: Since version 2.0.0. It is advised to use the 'pipeline' property in place of 'pipeline_client' for newer implementations. """ return self._pipeline @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use pipeline_run instead.") def pipeline_run_client(self): """ A deprecated property that provides access to the pipeline run object. Returns: object: The pipeline run object associated with the instance. This property is deprecated and should be replaced by the 'pipeline' property. Deprecated: Since version 2.0.0. The 'pipeline' property should be used instead of 'pipeline_run_client' in new code. """ return self._pipeline_run
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset.create() instead.") def create_empty_entity(self): '''Creates an Empty Entity to build later ''' return self._dataset.create_empty_entity()
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset.create() instead.") def create_entity(self, entity_type: str, properties: Optional[Dict] = None, push_now: Optional[bool] = True): ''' Create a new Dataset object Args: entity_type (str): unique id for dataset type to define the new dataset properties (optional, dict): properties to be appended to the new dataset push_now (optional, bool): if False, a dataset object will be created but only saved locally. If True, the object will be posted to the mantle API within the context of the current session Returns: Dataset: Dataset object ''' if not push_now: return self._dataset.create_local_entity(entity_type, properties) else: return self._dataset.create_cloud_entity(entity_type, properties)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset.get() instead.") def get_entity(self, entity_id: str): """Get an entity Args: entity_id (str): Entity ID Returns: Entity: Entity object """ return self._dataset.get_entity(entity_id)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use dataset.get_all() instead.") def get_entities(self): """Get all Datasets Returns: list: List of Dataset objects """ return self._dataset.get_entities()
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use analysis.load() instead.") def load_analysis(self, id: str): """Load an existing analysis Args: id (str): Analysis ID Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ return self._analysis.load_analysis(id)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use analysis.create() instead.") def new_analysis(self, name: str): """Create a new analysis Args: analysis_id (str): Analysis ID name (str): Analysis Name Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ return self._analysis.create(name)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use pipeline_run.kickoff() instead.") def kick_off_pipeline_run(self, pipeline_id: str, pipeline_version: str, input_vals: Optional[dict] = None, exteral=False): """Create a new pipeline Args: pipeline_id (str): Pipeline ID name (str): Pipeline Name Returns: Analysis: Pipeline Run Object """ return self._pipeline_run.kickoff_run(pipeline_id, pipeline_version, input_vals, external=exteral)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use pipeline_run.get() instead.") def load_pipeline(self, pipeline_run_id: str): """Load an existing pipeline Args: pipeline_run_id (str): Pipeline Run ID Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ return self._pipeline_run.load_run(pipeline_run_id)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use pipeline.get() instead.") def get_pipeline(self, pipeline_id): """ Send Get Pipeline request to api Args: pipeline_id (str): the unique id of the pipeline Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline """ return self._pipeline.get_pipeline(pipeline_id)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the MantleClient""" self.session.sign_out()