Source code for mantlebio.core.analysis.client

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from mantlebio.core.analysis.helpers import unmarshall_analysis_proto, validate_analysis_value
from mantlebio.core.analysis.mantle_analysis import MantleAnalysis
from mantlebio.core.dataset.client import _IDatasetClient
from mantlebio.core.session.mantle_session import _ISession
from import _IStorageClient
from mantlebio.helpers.decorators import deprecated
from proto import analysis_pb2

[docs] class AnalysisClient: """AnalysisClient object for making requests to the Mantle API""" def __init__(self, session: _ISession, storage_client: _IStorageClient, dataset_client: _IDatasetClient) -> None: """ Initializes a new instance of the AnalysisClient class. Args: session (_ISession): The session object used for authentication. storage_client (_IStorageClient): The storage client object used for interacting with storage. dataset_client (_IDatasetClient): The dataset client object used for interacting with datasets. """ self._session = session self._route_stem = f"/analysis/" self._storage_client = storage_client self._dataset_client = dataset_client pass
[docs] def create(self, name: str, inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """Create a new analysis Args: id (str): Analysis ID name (str): Analysis Name inputs (optional, dict): Inputs for the analysis Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ if inputs: new_input_dict = {} # a little tricky because we dont want users interacting with proto objects... # so they will pass in a mantle entity and we must extract the pb2 obj for in_key, in_val in inputs.items(): # should also check for other message types(s3 files), but starting with just entities value_args = validate_analysis_value(in_val) new_input_dict[in_key] = analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue( **value_args) inputs = new_input_dict else: inputs = {} input_value_pb2 = analysis_pb2.AnalysisInput(data=inputs) create_analysis_req_pb2 = analysis_pb2.CreateAnalysisRequest( name=name, inputs=input_value_pb2) analysis_resp = self._session.make_request( "POST", self._route_stem, data=create_analysis_req_pb2 ) # TODO:handle entity creation and storage upload on the ( analysis_pb2_obj = unmarshall_analysis_proto(analysis_resp.content) new_analysis = MantleAnalysis(analysis_pb2_obj, self._session, self._storage_client, self._dataset_client) return new_analysis
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use analysis.get() instead.") def load_analysis(self, id: str) -> MantleAnalysis: """Load an existing analysis Args: id (str): Analysis ID Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ return self.get(id)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use analysis.get() instead.") def load(self, id: str) -> MantleAnalysis: return self.get(id)
[docs] def get(self, id: str) -> MantleAnalysis: """Load an existing analysis Args: id (str): Analysis ID Returns: Analysis: Analysis object """ analysis_resp = self._session.make_request( "GET", self._route_stem + id ) analysis_pb2_obj = unmarshall_analysis_proto( proto_content=analysis_resp.content) new_analysis = MantleAnalysis(analysis_pb2_obj, self._session, self._storage_client, self._dataset_client) return new_analysis