Source code for mantlebio.core.analysis.mantle_analysis

import inspect
from typing import Any, Dict
from mantlebio.core.analysis.helpers import (
from mantlebio.core.dataset.client import _IDatasetClient
from mantlebio.core.dataset.mantle_dataset import _IDataset, MantleDataset
from mantlebio.core.session.mantle_session import _ISession
from import _IStorageClient

from mantlebio.exceptions import MantleAttributeError, MantleInvalidParameterError
from mantlebio.helpers.decorators import deprecated
from proto import analysis_pb2, data_type_pb2, entity_pb2
from pathlib import Path

[docs] class MantleAnalysis: """Wrapper for Analysis proto object with functions that extend the functionality of the proto object""" def __init__(self, analysis: analysis_pb2.Analysis, session: _ISession, storage_client: _IStorageClient, dataset_client: _IDatasetClient) -> None: ''' Args: analysis (analysis_pb2.Analysis): The Analysis proto object session (_ISession): MantleSession object for making calls to the mantle api storage_client (_IStorageClient): Storage client for uploading files dataset_client (_IDatasetClient): Dataset client for interacting with datasets ''' self._session = session self._storage_client = storage_client self._name = "" self.set_inputs(analysis.inputs) self.set_outputs(analysis.outputs) self._dataset_client = dataset_client self._analysis_instance = analysis # the proto object
[docs] def _wrap_method(self, method): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
def __getattr__(self, name): # First, check if the object itself has the property # TODO: this should be removed when we deprecate the proto property accessors try: return super().__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: pass # Dynamically route attribute access to the protobuf object if hasattr(self._analysis_instance, name): attr = getattr(self._analysis_instance, name) if inspect.ismethod(attr): return self._wrap_method(attr) return attr raise MantleAttributeError(f"'{type(self._analysis_instance).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'")
[docs] def set_name(self, name: str): """ Set the name of the MantleAnalysis object. Args: name (str): The name of the MantleAnalysis object. """ self._name = name
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs: analysis_pb2.AnalysisInput): """ Set the inputs of the MantleAnalysis object. Args: inputs (analysis_pb2.AnalysisInput): The inputs of the MantleAnalysis object. """ self._inputs =
[docs] def set_outputs(self, outputs: analysis_pb2.AnalysisOutput): """ Set the outputs of the MantleAnalysis object. Args: outputs (analysis_pb2.AnalysisOutput): The outputs of the MantleAnalysis object. """ self._outputs =
[docs] def add_file_input(self, input_key: str, local_path: str): """ Add a file input to the MantleAnalysis object. Args: input_key (str): The key of the input. local_path (str): The local path of the file. """ new_s3_file_pb2 = data_type_pb2.FileUpload( filename=local_path ) self.add_input(input_key, new_s3_file_pb2)
[docs] def add_file_output(self, output_key: str, local_path: str): """ Add a file output to the MantleAnalysis object. Args: output_key (str): The key of the output. local_path (str): The local path of the file. """ new_s3_file_pb2 = data_type_pb2.FileUpload( filename=local_path ) self.add_output(output_key, new_s3_file_pb2)
[docs] def add_input(self, input_key: str, val: Any, force: bool = False): """ Add an input to the MantleAnalysis object. Args: input_key (str): The key of the input. val (Any): The value of the input. """ if not force and self._inputs.get(input_key): Warning(f"Input '{input_key}' already exists. Use force=True to overwrite.") return if isinstance(val, _IDataset): val = val.to_proto() analysis_value_args = validate_analysis_value(val) self._inputs.get_or_create(input_key).CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue( **analysis_value_args)) self.push_input(input_key)
[docs] def get_input(self, key: str): """ Get the value of an input. Args: key (str): The key of the input. Returns: Any: The value of the input. """ input = self._inputs[key] value_type = input.WhichOneof('value') if value_type == "entity": return MantleDataset(input.entity, self._session, self._dataset_client) return input.__getattribute__(value_type)
[docs] def get_output(self, key: str): """ Get the value of an output. Args: key (str): The key of the output. Returns: Any: The value of the output. """ output = self._outputs[key] value_type = output.WhichOneof('value') if value_type == "entity": return MantleDataset(output.entity, self._session, self._dataset_client) return output.__getattribute__(value_type)
[docs] def add_output(self, output_key: str, val: Any, force: bool = False): """ Add an output to the MantleAnalysis object. Args: output_key (str): The key of the output. val (Any): The value of the output. """ if not force and self._outputs.get(output_key): Warning(f"Output '{output_key}' already exists. Use force=True to overwrite.") return if isinstance(val, _IDataset): val = val.to_proto() analysis_value_args = validate_analysis_value(val) self._outputs.get_or_create(output_key).CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue( **analysis_value_args)) self.push_output(output_key)
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "Use get_output instead.") def pull_entity(self, key: str, entity_id: str) -> _IDataset: """ Pull a dataset from the analysis input. Args: key (str): The key of the input. entity_id (str): The ID of the dataset. Returns: _IDataset: The pulled dataset. """ e = self._dataset_client.get(entity_id) self.add_input(key, e) return e
[docs] def push_output(self, key: str): """ Push a value to the analysis output. Args: key (str): The key of the output. """ if not self._outputs.get(key): raise KeyError(f"Output '{key}' not found.") field_label = self._outputs[key].WhichOneof('value') if field_label == "file_upload": file_upload_pb2_obj: data_type_pb2.FileUpload = self.get_output(key) if not file_upload_pb2_obj.filename: raise MantleInvalidParameterError("FileUpload object must have a filename attribute") if field_label == "entity": entity_pb2_obj: entity_pb2.Entity = self.get_output(key).to_proto() self._outputs[key].CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue(entity=entity_pb2_obj)) # update the analysis record with a new output analysis_resp = self._session.make_request( "POST", f"/analysis/{self.unique_id}/output/{key}", data=self._outputs[key] ) if not analysis_resp.ok: analysis_resp.raise_for_status() analysis_pb2_obj = unmarshall_analysis_proto( proto_content=analysis_resp.content) self._analysis_instance = analysis_pb2_obj if field_label == "file_upload": s3_key =[key].s3_file.key new_s3_file_pb2 = self._storage_client.upload_file( path=file_upload_pb2_obj.filename, upload_key=s3_key) self._outputs[key].CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue(s3_file=new_s3_file_pb2))[key].s3_file.CopyFrom(new_s3_file_pb2 )
[docs] def push_input(self, key: str): """ Push a value to the analysis input. Args: key (str): The key of the input. """ if not self._inputs.get(key): raise KeyError(f"Input '{key}' not found.") field_label = self._inputs[key].WhichOneof('value') if field_label == "file_upload": file_upload_pb2_obj: data_type_pb2.FileUpload = self.get_input(key) if not file_upload_pb2_obj.filename: raise MantleInvalidParameterError("FileUpload object must have a filename attribute") if field_label == "entity": entity_pb2_obj: entity_pb2.Entity = self.get_input(key).to_proto() if not entity_pb2_obj.unique_id: raise ValueError(f"Cannot add entity that does not exist.") self._inputs[key].CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue(entity=entity_pb2_obj)) # once any file uploading has been completed, # update the analysis record with a new input analysis_resp = self._session.make_request( "POST", f"/analysis/{self.unique_id}/input/{key}", data=self._inputs[key] ) if not analysis_resp.ok: analysis_resp.raise_for_status() analysis_pb2_obj = unmarshall_analysis_proto( proto_content=analysis_resp.content) self._analysis_instance = analysis_pb2_obj if field_label == "file_upload": s3_key =[key].s3_file.key new_s3_file_pb2 = self._storage_client.upload_file( path=file_upload_pb2_obj.filename, upload_key=s3_key) self._inputs[key].CopyFrom(analysis_pb2.AnalysisValue(s3_file=new_s3_file_pb2))[key].s3_file.CopyFrom(new_s3_file_pb2)