Source code for mantlebio.core.auth.mantle_auth

from abc import abstractmethod
from getpass import getpass
import os
from typing import Union
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from mantlebio.core.constants import MANTLE_PROD_API
from mantlebio.helpers.decorators import deprecated
import requests
import time
import random
from mantlebio.exceptions import MantleAuthenticationError, MantleRetriesExceededError
from mantlebio.core.auth.creds import AuthMethod, PasswordCredentials

[docs] class _IAuth: """Abstract class for authenticating with Supabase"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def authenticate(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sign_out(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_token(self): pass
[docs] class MantleAuth(_IAuth): """MantleAuth object for authenticating with Supabase""" def __init__(self, creds: Union[AuthMethod,None] = None, mantle_api: str = MANTLE_PROD_API) -> None: load_dotenv() self._access_token = "" self._mantle_api = mantle_api self.creds = creds @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "access_token is now a private attribute") def access_token(self): return self._access_token @property @deprecated("2.0.0", "mantle_api is now a private attribute") def mantle_api(self): return self._mantle_api
[docs] def authenticate(self, mantle_api: Union[str,None] = None): """Authenticate the session object Returns: dict: """ if not self.creds: self.creds = PasswordCredentials() if not mantle_api: mantle_api = self._mantle_api # use default mantle_api return self.creds.authenticate(mantle_api=mantle_api)
[docs] def sign_out(self): # make call to mantle API self._mantle_api + '/signout' ) pass
[docs] def get_token(self): if not self.creds: raise MantleAuthenticationError("No credentials provided") return self.creds.get_token()