Source code for mantlebio.core.pipeline.client

from mantlebio.core.pipeline.mantle_pipeline import _IPipeline, MantlePipeline
from mantlebio.core.session.mantle_session import _ISession
from mantlebio.exceptions import MantleMissingParameterError
from mantlebio.helpers.decorators import deprecated
from proto import pipeline_pb2
from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError

[docs] class PipelineClient: """PipelineClient object for making requests to the Mantle API""" def __init__(self, session: _ISession) -> None: self.session = session self.route_stem = f"/pipeline/" pass
[docs] @deprecated("2.0.0", "use get() instead") def get_pipeline(self, id: str, version: str = "")->_IPipeline: """get an existing Pipeline Args: id (str): Pipeline ID Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline object Note: This method will be deprecated in version 2.0.0. Use get() instead. """ return self.get(id, version)
[docs] def get(self, id: str, version: str = "")->_IPipeline: """get an existing Pipeline Args: id (str): Pipeline ID version (str, optional): Pipeline Version. Defaults to "". If not provided, the latest version will be returned. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline object """ if not id: raise MantleMissingParameterError("id is required") endpoint = f"{self.route_stem}{id}/{version}" if not version: # By default, the latest version will be returned so we dont want to raise an error but we want to log a warning since it could lead to unexpected behavior Warning("No version provided. The latest version will be returned.") endpoint = f"{self.route_stem}{id}" res = self.session.make_request("GET", endpoint) if not res.ok: res.raise_for_status() try: pipeline_proto = pipeline_pb2.Pipeline() pipeline_proto.ParseFromString(res.content) except DecodeError as e: raise return MantlePipeline(pipeline_proto)